Monday, February 24, 2020

"I Don't Belong in This Club" - Why Don't We & Macklemore - SINGLE REVIEW

Image result for i don't belong in this club

For every 5 Seconds of Summer or One Direction, there are at least a dozen boy bands who don't quite make the cut. Why Don't We would definitely be one of those bands. The fact that they had to latch on to Macklemore, a rap artist who had thoroughly aged out of popularity by 2019, just accentuates it. But is the song any good?

Well, it's not bad. Musically, it has the boys trying on their 5 Seconds of Summer impressions to middling results and Macklemore's signature delivery mixed with some trap-influenced ad-libs. Lyrically, it's about how neither the boys in the band or Macklemore feel particularly comfortable in the club they've entered, with Why Don't We taking a more generally jaded approach while Macklemore tells a story of going from not being recognized to being recognized at the wrong time. Both approaches fit the artists rather well. There's nothing really spectacular about the song, but as far as these types of songs go, it gets the job done. It's fun and catchy, with a few good lines here and there. I don't know if these guys will ever blow up the way One Direction, 5SOS, or even Macklemore did, but they are still quite young, so maybe their time is yet to come. Until then, if they put forth solid efforts like this, I'll be interested.


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