This is Lights, an electropop singer from Ontario. She's had a few hits here in the past, but nothing really that's crossed over the border. And this... is no exception. Oh well. How's the song?
It's... certainly more "pop" than most of her electropop stuff.
What I liked about Lights was that she sounded different. Dark and brooding over a soft electro beat, like in "Drive My Soul". This doesn't sound much like Lights to me.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with the song. It's perfectly serviceable. But for such a different artist to release something so same-sounding... it's a little disheartening, not gonna lie.
Lights hasn't had a hit in a while, even in Canada. So maybe this is her stab at trying to stay relevant? Unfortunately, I think she should have just stayed Lights, because I can imagine hearing this from just about any electro artist.
Like I said, it's not a bad song. It's just a very underwhelming song from a great artist. It's not what I expect from Lights. Sorry, folks. This doesn't go anywhere for me except Okaytown. In fact, I think I'll go there and see how the townsfolk are doing. Probably just okay, as usual, but it's worth checking out.