Friday, September 26, 2014

Flashback Friday: "Popcorn" - Hot Butter (1972)

*munch munch* Hey, do you guys want some popcorn?

Okay, you guys enjoy this song while I eat my chips.

"Popcorn", the song, originally started out as an instrumental by electronic music pioneer Gershon Kingsley.

I gotta say, I like this version a lot better. Not only is it amazing electronic music for its time, but it's a little more subdued than the Hot Butter version. The Hot Butter version is a little more annoying, and gets more repetitive. This has a nice flow and a nicer atmosphere.

Anyway, why is this called "Popcorn"? It actually comes from the two words separately, "pop" for pop music and "corn" for... well, being corny. And I suppose in that regard Hot Butter does a better job. Their version definitely seems like more of a novelty.

And speaking of novelties, anyone remember this thing?

I never, ever understood the Crazy Frog thing, and I still don't. But if you did, and you were a huge fan, you'd know that Crazy Frog also covered this song.

Now the instrumental is actually pretty good, but then you've got the beeping and the booping also coming out of the frog, and... I don't know, it's just really weird and off-putting to me. Always has been.

So overall, I'd actually peg the original version as the best, and I also wouldn't really call myself a fan of the Hot Butter version. It seems to suck a lot of the mood out of the original that I really enjoy, and plays out more like a novelty act than a song. Which, when you get right down to their name, almost seems like they existed solely to cover this song...

Still, I gotta give 'em a little credit for making some of the first electronic music that got popular. That's pretty impressive. I only wish Gershon Kingsley's version was more popular, and... damn it, Crazy Frog.

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