Tuesday, July 22, 2014

CanTunes Tuesday: "Heaven in Our Headlights" - Hedley

Hey, it's Hedley again.

Last time we checked in with Hedley, they were busy ripping off Daft Punk. Now it looks like they're still not sure what to do with themselves, as they try to retain their once non-sellout image. And here we are with "Heaven in Our Headlights".

But all this song really does for me is emphasize how much Jacob Hoggard needs his band. The guy's got a really strange voice. It's like he's trying to sing and dry-heave at the same time. When he's got a band drowning him out... I mean, backing him, it doesn't sound that bad. But here, where the band has pretty much vanished to wherever the rest of Maroon 5 went? Yeah, Jacob's voice should not be playing front and center. And there was a time when I could legitimately say that I liked Hedley. But they've forgotten long ago what it is that makes them work, and this song definitely isn't it.

Even with "Crazy for You", I could kind of enjoy that song because it reminded me of Daft Punk. This just sounds like Jacob Hoggard singing over a margarine tub. Yeah, the music's that non-descript that I'd rather think of delicious margarine than think of this. There's a part where there's whistling... which doesn't really fit into the song at all, but at least it's interesting. In the sense that an off-white wall is more interesting than a white wall, but it's something.

Yeah, that's my biggest problem with this song. It's so... nothing. I liked their previous song that sounded like this, which was "Kiss You Inside Out", because the mood was consistent and Hoggard sounded good for once in his career. This is like if "Kiss You Inside Out" didn't work at all. The mood is inconsistent (is it a party song or a love song?) and Hoggard's voice over a nondescript beat just doesn't work here. While Hoggard goes, "Oh, whoa", I go "Oh, no." Sorry Hedley. Looks like you've hit your stride. It happens. Say, is this a gray hair? I gotta go get this checked out, seeya guys later.

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