Tuesday, July 29, 2014

CanTunes Tuesday: "Necessary Evil" - Nikki Yanofsky

Let's go back to the Winter Olympics of 2010.

That Winter Olympics was held in Canada that year, and one of the theme songs for that Winter Olympics was Canadian singer Nikki Yanofsky's "I Believe". I didn't really have any problem with it... that is, until it got played over and over and over and over again until I never wanted to hear that stupid song ever again in my life! And then it was used for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London! How does that work? Was it really that great of a song that it had to be used again?!

So 2012 was the year I swore off Nikki Yanofsky and that stupid song forever. And now... she's back. And... she sounds like Beyoncé, for some reason.

And Nikki Yanofsky does a better Beyoncé than Beyoncé these days, and I'm sorry I ever doubted her.

It's like she studied Beyoncé songs to find out the winning formula, and I don't quite know how she did it, but she did it. She's got just the right amount of attitude and the right amount of charm here.

Okay, so she doesn't sound like Beyoncé throughout the whole thing, mostly in the chorus. And the lyrics aren't perfect.

Yeah baby, it's okay if it drives me mad, cuckoo

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?

But I can look past that because Yanofsky has something that I realize she always had: control. She had it with "I Believe", a song I can tolerate now that they don't play it at the Olympics anymore, and she has it with this song. It's got great strings, a great voice, and a catchy-as-all hell hook. Catchier than anything Beyoncé's wrote in the past few years.

So I'm back on Nikki Yanofsky again. Hopefully this song doesn't get overplayed at the 2016 Olympics, and we'll all be good. Hopefully.

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