Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Madman Across the Water by Elton John - ALBUM REVIEW

Elton John - Madman Across the Water.jpg

We're giving Elton John a second chance here. And honestly? I found this album quite a bit more rewarding.

Part of the reason is because it's shorter. That may seem like a backhanded compliment, but it is good to hear a sample of great Elton John songs without filler or opportunities for him to embarrass himself. There are no "Jamaican Jerk-Off"s or "Dirty Little Girl"s on this album. ("Indian Sunset" admittedly toes the line, but gets a pass for at least trying to tell a story and having bravado.) It also has what might be my favourite Elton John song in "Tiny Dancer". Overall, the songs just feel a lot more laid-back and stripped-down, which is honestly a look that suits Elton John well. The piano man.

Unlike Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, I didn't dislike a song on this album. There weren't quite as many standouts either way, but the ones that did are classics that hold up to this day. Overall, I'd say a better album for those reasons.


Best Tracks: "Tiny Dancer", "Levon", "Madman Across the Water"

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