Friday, November 29, 2013

Flashback Friday: "Paparazzi" - Lady Gaga (2009)

Hey, it's only a matter of time before I tackle the Gaga, right?

What can you say about Lady Gaga? She's eccentric, and it works. But oddly enough, I don't think she started out that way.

This was Lady Gaga's first single, and other than that breakdown after the third chorus, the song's relatively normal. Not to say it's boring, though. In fact, I like it better than a lot of Lady Gaga's songs. But then Poker Face came around...

And honestly, other than the odd glasses... I don't find this particularly weird, either. But refer to "Bad Romance". Somewhere along the line, Lady Gaga just went full-out Gaga. And along that line is a song called "Paparazzi".

Now for a while, this was my favourite Gaga song. But does it still hold up today? Let's find out.

...Well, after that annoyingly long intro, now let's find out:

We are the crowd
We're co-coming out
Got my flash on, it's true
Need that picture of you
It's so magical
We'd be so fantastical

So, as you can imagine by the title and the video, this is a song about paparazzi. And this first part does a good job of illustrating how intrusive they can be, especially for a star like Lady Gaga. That last line has me confused, though. Is a photographer trying to have a relationship with Lady Gaga?

Leather and jeans
Garage glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us

"Photo of us"? I don't typically see a paparazzo horn in on their own picture. This is starting to get creepy...

It don't have a price
Ready for those flashing lights
'Cause you know that, baby, I
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me

All right, now I'm getting it. A paparazzo so obsessed with Lady Gaga that it becomes stalker-ish.

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop
Until that boy is mine

Wait... you're the paparazzo? I know she was using "I" in reference to the person, but I thought that was just from a paparazzo's point of view... I didn't think she was actually referring to herself...

This is getting more confusing by the second. I feel like I understand the song, and then a new element is added that just blows me off course.

Also, can we talk about the yeehawing in the background? It sounds like Mario after he gets a star in Mario Party 8. But anyways...

I'll be your girl
Backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah, 'cause you're my rockstar

...Now he's a rock star. Well, I guess that ties in with Lady Gaga being a paparazzi-stalker hybrid. So the song continues into the second chorus, and then a bridge which I assume means that the guy gave in to Lady Gaga's stalking ways.

So after wading through the song, I can say that I still enjoy it. It's beautifully put together ("yeehaw!"s notwithstanding), I feel like Lady Gaga's vocals are top notch, and once the story finally ends, you get an idea of what it's all about, though it can be confusing. Is it still my favourite? Well, now that I've analyzed it, I'd have to put the super-fun straightforward "Just Dance" ahead of this one, but it's still up there. 

Also, if you haven't bought The Fame yet, I encourage you to do so. That's all.

Agree? Disagree? Comment below!

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