Friday, March 14, 2014

Flashback Friday: "Le Freak" - Chic (1979)

Ahhhhhhh.... FREAK OUT!

Now here's a song that you can dance to. No more of this "Harlem Shake" nonsense. This song was huge. It ranked #19 on Billboard's Hot 100 songs of all time. That's pretty huge. Of course, it was beaten by such classics as The Macarena, but we'll just ignore that for now.

This dance song has an edge, and for good reason. It originally was a song to lash out at Studio 54, a nightclub with long waiting lines and rude doormen. The original lyrics were not "Freak out!" They were "Fuck off!"

I can only assume that "Le Fuck" just wasn't commercial enough a title.

So the song ended up being about a new dance craze called "Le Freak"... which they never actually teach you how to do, despite hinting at it:

Allow us, we'll show you the way

Filthy liars.

Unless the dance is just clapping... because that's pretty much all they're doing in the video.

Despite that, it's a really catchy, really dancey dance song. What with The Dougie and Cat Daddy and Harlem Shake, that's apparently a lost art. What a shame. Almost enough to make someone... ahhhhh... FREAK OUT!

I have no real complaints, this song is awesome. I can see why people of the late 70's were listening.

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