Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Story of My Life" - One Direction

Is One Direction getting better?

They appear to be. They're gaining more appeal than just tweenage girls, they seem to be taking more risks with their music, and they're receiving critical acclaim. So, what's going on? One Direction are just another stupid boy band, right?

Well... yes. Yes they are. I'm looking at the lyrics of this song, and they don't seem too much deeper than anything else they've written. But they are making an effort, I will give them that.

Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain

I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

See, that's... an effort. I have to give 'em something for trying. But some of this just isn't as heartwarming as the tone lets on. Let's look at this part of the chorus, for example:

The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke


You... spend her love? You basically drain her of every positive emotion she has until you've broken her down? So then you can sing "What Makes You Beautiful" to her and her low welf-esteem? We may have a precursor here...

I might be able to pass this off as remorseful if One Direction wasn't playing White Knight in the first half:

The story of my life
I take her home

I drive all night to keep her warm

Is "spending her love until she's broke" supposed to be charming? Am I supposed to swoon, heterosexual masculinity notwithstanding? Because it just sounds skeevey to me.

But the chorus is probably the worst part of the song. Like I said, they do try.

She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones

Seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone

See, these lyrics here take a little brainpower.

So, is One Direction improving? Well... marginally? They still have a long way to go before I can forget about "What Makes You Beautiful"-type garbage, but they do seem to be straying for the archetypal "boy band" sound. Their lyrics still need work, though.

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