Sunday, March 8, 2020

Fine Line by Harry Styles - ALBUM REVIEW

Harry Styles - Fine Line.png

Happy International Women's Day, everyone! I'm going to review an album made by a man. Maybe not the best timing, but it was next on my radar, and I haven't put out a review in a while, and it's still preferable to Camila Cabello, which is next. So let's get started.

Fine Line is an album which I would best describe as "soft". It's a soft, gentle listen for if you want something to play to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Harry Styles doesn't really make any bold statements or grandiose gestures in this album. But that's exactly how it functions: a fine listen for when you don't want something too challenging.

I feel like I'm being harsher to this album than I intend, so let me make clear that I do like this album. I'm just not sure I'd consider it among my very favourites, and given the hype I've heard for this album, I was somehow expecting more. As is, it's serviceable, even great in parts. But I do wish that Harry Styles would spread his wings creatively, because if this is a throwback of any kind, it's to tame, safe Michael McDonald-like pop from the 80s. Which, I don't mind Michael McDonald, so that's not a pejorative. I was just expecting more, but I was still very happy with what I got. Harry Styles clearly has talent, and I'm sure he has the potential to come out with an album that will really knock me off my seat. Just saying, not sure anything here is better than "Sign of the Times", so he has the potential. He just has to harness it. But this is good for now.


Best Tracks: "Golden", "Adore You", "Cherry", "Falling", "To Be So Lonely", "She"

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