Tuesday, February 17, 2015

CanTunes Tuesday (Flashback): "Goodbye Baby" - Jack Scott (1958)

Well, that period of new Canadian music being popular on the Canadian charts was short-lived. *sigh* All right then, let's go back to 1958 with Paul A... no, Jack Scott.

Yes, believe it or not, there were other Canadian artists from this time period that became popular! And we're lookin' at one of 'em today! Tell us, Jack. What message do you want to get across in your song?

Goodbye baby, bye bye
Goodbye baby, bye bye
Goodbye baby, bye bye
I'm gonna leave you now

All right then. So you're saying goodbye to your baby because you're gonna leave them now. Anything else?

Goodbye baby, bye bye
Goodbye baby, bye bye
Goodbye baby, bye bye
Johnny's going away

All right, we've got a name to the face... or voice, I guess. But is there anything else?

You were wrong, pretty baby, bye bye
Oh so wrong, pretty baby, bye bye
Yes so wrong, pretty baby, bye bye
Please don't you cry

You don't want to see her cry... okay, anything else?

Goodbye baby, baby, bye bye

Okay, whatever.

This is one of those songs from the 50's that has stuck around, and I can see why. It's got a simple message and a catchy melody. Maybe a little too simple, but it gets the job done by sticking in your head for the rest of the day. Hopefully you don't have a big date that night. This isn't really the song to be humming to yourself.

And for my money, Jack Scott's got a lot more 50's rock and roll swagger than Paul Anka ever did. I mean, Paul was a teen at the time, so cut him some slack. But I'd rather hear a lot more Jack Scott than Paul Anka. somebody who seems to know what they're doing. Someone who doesn't sound inexperienced. And this post just became about Paul Anka all over again, didn't it? *sigh* New songs, please!

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