Friday, February 6, 2015

Flashback Friday: "I Wanna Be Down" - Brandy (1995)

You know, another fun thing to do in February is lament your lack of a love life with some straight up gin. Or... vodka. Brandy?

Ah, there we go. Brandy. This singer from the mid-to-late 90's provides just the cure for your ailments by... singing love songs. Oh, god damn it!

Okay, so it's Brandy this week, huh? Lord help me. Brandy's not a bad artist; in fact, I quite liked "Have You Ever?", which I reviewed about a year back. But when we have acts like Mariah Carey, TLC, and En Vogue during this decade, Brandy sits at the kids' table. Literally. Pretty sure she's like 15 here.

Okay, to be fair, she's obviously going for a different style here. More cutesy than the rest of them. But it kind of skeeves me out that she's 15 and singing about "wanting to be down". Like, people say that today's kids are hopelessly sex-crazed; just listen to this!

I wanna be down 
With what you're going through 

Oh. Nice save there, Brandy.

Okay, so she wants to be "down" with what he's going through... I guess I'll buy that. it certainly fits a lot better with the persona she's trying to pull off.

But the song still doesn't really do it for me. It doesn't take any chances vocally the way "Have You Ever?" did, and ultimately that makes it suffer. It's all too one-note and boring for me to really grasp on. It's ultimately a harmless song, but harmless doesn't always equal good. In fact, the song could probably have been a little worse and I might have liked it better, paradoxically. I certainly would have remembered it better. Sorry Brandy, I'm just not down with this song. Or this month. Seriously, do we need February? It's only got 28 days, that's practically a weekend!

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