Sunday, August 9, 2015

"My Way" - Fetty Wap ft. Monty

I honestly had no idea this song was on the Billboard chart.

I don't even know if I can explain why. I think I saw two Fetty Wap songs next to each other, assumed I was seeing double, and skipped past it. But now that i'm aware of its existence, let me explain something pretty plainly: this is the worst Fetty Wap song I've ever heard.

I'm sure some will just be impressed that I've managed to actually distinguish between Fetty Wap songs, but... yeah. This is the worst. I'll try to explain why without coming off as a Fetty Wap fan, but it's going to be difficult.

I'll put it this way: despite the technical quality of Fetty Wap's other songs, there's an element of fun to 'em. It sounds like Fetty Wap is having fun, and if you squint your ears you can have fun too. I definitely do not get that from this song.

This song is just a drag. If you're not a fan of Fetty Wap's voice, stay the hell away from this song, because it plays a starring role. This is probably Fetty Wap at his most serious, and what person ever wanted a serious Fetty Wap?

I don't even know what else to say here. It's a Fetty Wap song that faisl at even being a Fetty Wap song. That can only be described as the most ultimate of failures.

Then again, there's still that.

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