Tuesday, October 28, 2014

CanTunes Tuesday: "You and Me" - You+Me

You+Me: will it make Dallas Green the new breakout star of Canada?

Hmm, let's look at the recent track record: we've got a one-hit wonder pop star, a mumbly-mouthed reggae band, and a rapper who sounds as bored with his music as I do. I don't know how You+Me would fit into that.

And I'm not sure exactly how to take the fact that this single is called "You and Me". Isn't that like Bad Company calling a song of theirs "Bad Company"? Pfft. Wouldn't happen.

Okay, so how's the song? Well... it's okay, I guess, but a little boring and I do like "Break the Cycle" a hell of a lot better. It feels like both P!nk and Dallas Green were taking more risks with their vocals there, whereas here they just seem to play it mellow throughout, which does work sometimes with the guitar, but it's just not as interesting. Incidentally, "Break the Cycle" has a more interesting narrative as well. It appears to show problems that the two are having, and while they're not detailed, they're at least addressed. "You and Me" is just kind of a "we-can-get-through-anything-together!" attitude without actually getting through anything.

It's not a bad song, by any means of the word. P!nk and Dallas are great on vocals as usual, and I do like the guitar. But "Break the Cycle" was just the more interesting song I've heard from these two, and I wish this one met that level. I do hope to see more songs by You+Me on the charts, so I can get a composite picture of how Dallas and P!nk work together. For now, they're a pretty decent pairing. Only time will tell...

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