Tuesday, March 10, 2015

CanTunes Tuesday (Flashback): "Shook" - Shawn Desman (2003)

You know, today I was expecting a mediocre look into the past of 2000s Canadian music. Mediocrity is kind of what I expected from Shawn Desman. Instead, I got "Shook".

"Shook" is that kind of bad song where you just have to admire the badness of it. Like, this guy is trying so hard to be credible as a singer. And to be fair, he's not terrible. But the blaring music in the background and these awful lyrics don't do him any favours at all.

On my way to catch a flick 
Just me and my clique
Stand in line we’re already late 
Cause the movie started at eight


Why... who writes a song about being late for the movies?! You couldn't think of anything better to write about?

Look around trying to compass a seat 
Take the first one that I see 
Sit down and look beside
Next to me this girl she blew my mind 

...you know, this song's different. I'll give it that at least. I mean, have you heard a song about love at first sight... at the movies? Of course you haven't, because you don't go to the movies to pick up chicks, even accidentally! You go to the movies to watch a movie!

Honestly, maybe this song could have worked if it was more generic. This story is so stupid that it takes you out of the song, which by the way is basically, "Wow. Look at that female. She is sexy." But to be fair, the song doesn't need these lyrics to lose me. I'm already lost when I hear that obnoxious beat. It's like a bunch of kids' toys going off all at once.

If there's anything to take from this entry, it's that Shawn Desman is usually mediocre, but sometimes his songs can go that extra mile and just be plain bad. Also, I've covered a Shawn Hook, a Shawn Mendes, and now a Shawn Desman on my Canadian picks. There are way too many musical Shawns coming from Canada. This must be stopped. #NoMoreShawns - Trend it.

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