Sunday, March 1, 2015

"Style" - Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift has turned into a pop superstar.

My god, do I love this album. You have to understand that before 1989 came out, I had no interest in listening to any Taylor Swift. Now, for me, it's like each new song she comes out with is a breath of fresh air in the pop world. This one is no exception. It's called "Style", and baby, it's got style.

I don't know why T-Swift didn't just do this in the first place. She's much better at being a pop superstar than she is the cutesy girl next door. Her off-stage persona has solidified that, with her getting unnecessarily angry at things other celebrities say, the scandals, the long list of ex-lovers. She was always a pop superstar waiting to happen to me. This emergence is one that I fully support in every way, shape, form... and style.

Ever since becoming a superstar, Taylor Swift has felt comfortable in her own skin. I mean, in her last album she was experimenting with dubstep, for Christ's sake. The claws had to come out sooner or later. and they did, and it's produced T-Swift's best album.

So, the first two singles, "Shake it Off" and "Blank Space" respectively, are about being your own person and not caring what the critics say, and admitting that what the critics said is totally right. Hmm. How do you follow up that one-two punch? Well, how about a love song?

This song shows just how comfortable Taylor Swift is becoming a pop star. Because she's written love songs in the past, but they've never had that elegance of a grown woman singing them. Here, Taylor Swift sounds like she knows a thing or two about love and romance. It's an interesting development for her, and one i'm willing to ride all the way.

I just think it's fascinating how one album can completely change your perception of an artist. Taylor Swift's evolution from country gal to pop queen is one of the most fascinating and wonderful I've seen, and I can't wait to hear more from her!

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