Friday, November 14, 2014

Flashback Friday: "We'll Sing in the Sunshine" - Gale Garnett (1964)

In 1952, a movie was released entitled Singin' in the Rain. That film has nothing to do with this song, but I need a segue, okay? This is "We'll Sing in the Sunshine"!

60's pop hits... what can I say? Sometimes they're revolutionary, and sometimes they're harmless ditties. This is a harmless ditty.

And I think this ditty is one of the dittiest I've ever heard, actually. It doesn't really make you want to sing along, so much as just go, "la, la, la, la..." It's very safe. It's a very safe love song...

I will never love you
The cost of love's too dear

Uh... go... dutch, then?

Wow, these calm-sounding songs are really messing with my perceptions! Okay, so... this is not a love song. So what's it about? Just... singing in the sunshine?

That's my best guess. It's just about singing, and being carefree, and not actually forming emotional attachments with the other person. It's just a little more on the nose than most songs like this.

And with that said... I kinda like it. It's almost a satire of cheap, lovey-dovey songs that aren't really about true emotion. I don't know if it was intended that way, but I can enjoy it on that level, at least. Hey, I might even sing this in the sunshine one day! If the sun would ever shine again, that is. God, I hate November.

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