Sunday, November 9, 2014

"I'm Not the Only One" - Sam Smith

Hey, anyone remember that Sam Smith kid? I reviewed his song "Stay With Me". Remember how I thought he was going to be interesting, and I was intrigued? Well... zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Look, he's a nice kid. But the musical choices he makes... they're just so horrendously dull. I mean, they're nice enough. If it played on an easy-listening station I could see why. But it's just so... eugh, it's just not my style at all.

The kid is twenty-two years old. This stuff is way too heavy for him! You can tell because his lyrics are so vague. Okay, it's about a woman cheating on her husband. And there are interesting ideas here, but they're just not developed.

For months on end I've had my doubts
Denying every tear

There! That was an interesting idea! Symbolism! Roll with that! Take it somewhere!

I wish this would be over now
But I know that I still need you here

Well... tears... wishy-washiness... no, I'm not going to let it slide.

The song is too slow. And no, I don't expect breakup songs to be full of pep and joy. Lord knows I don't condone that with 60's rock n' roll jams. But if you're not going to interest me musically, then interest me lyrically. Look at what he did with "Stay With Me". The guy had me bouncing off the walls because of his batshit insane ideas! This is more low-key, and if you're going to do that with both the lyrics and the music, then I start to tune out just a little.

Okay, you're sad. But you also still want her. I've heard this before. You need to bring something new if you're going to be this droning about it. Sam Smith actually has a nice voice, admittedly, but this slow, sad melody isn't enough to carry this tired, trudged-through-the-snow subject matter. I'm sorry.

The piano sounds nice at the beginning, but nothing evolves from it. It's the same thing over and over, maybe with some strings thrown in... it just doesn't work for me! Objectively, I guess it's a good piece of music. But personally, I'd rather listen to

That. 22 Jump Street has the power to drastically change opinions, people. Consider that next time you write a song, Sam Smith. Plan out your endorsements.

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