Tuesday, December 16, 2014

CanTunes Tuesday: "Often" - The Weeknd

Today, we're gonna look at an artist that has OFTEN been declared one of the standout stars of this new generation... and has OFTEN been acclaimed by critics... and OFTEN... okay, here's "Often" by The Weeknd.

So, the critically acclaimed thing I was talking about wasn't a lie. While this guy's commercial success hasn't been along the lines of, say, Drake, The Weeknd has become a critical darling, even receiving comparisons to the late, great Michael Jackson. And while I can definitely see where those comparisons come from... really? This guy? The guy I said offered less to a song than Ariana Grande? The guy I said could be replaced by Usher?

Look, I'm not denying the guy's talent. He definitely has some, and it's nice to see somebody with actual talent making it big. But good God, when critics latch onto someone, they just never seem to want to let go. Take this song for example. It might be good. It's got this slow beat, and The Weeknd complements it with his slow, tender vocals... okay, I need to get some new adjectives because it sounds like I'm describing a chicken roasting.

But see, then there's lyrics like this.

Bitches down to do it either way, often

Kind of kills the mood when you call 'em bitches, Weeknd. I don't know if you're trying to fit in with your rap buddies, but it really doesn't fit the mood at all.

So with that lyric kinda deviating from the mood, as well as the fact that this song is not particularly interesting, combined with the notion that Miguel, Usher and Frank Ocean are already doing R&B better, I can't find myself to go out of my way listening to The Weeknd. Not so often, anyway. Kind of like how often she rides the wave. And with that, I wave goodbye to CanTunes Tuesday until next time!

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