Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Winter Wonderland Wednesday: "Santa Tell Me" - Ariana Grande

Merry Christmas Eve, everybody! Welcome to another installment of Winter Wonderland Wednesday! Hey, you know what's weird? Women sexualizing Santa.

Not that I don't support the equal sexualization of both genders, but... Santa? Really? A schlubby, old, white-bearded fat guy who lives up in the cold, un-steamy North? Not to mention that he's married?

Oh well, to each their own. There's been many a cover of "Santa Baby", even a rap version that I actually really like. But after taking a crack at the song herself (uh... tread lightly, because this version is not that great) Ariana Grande has written a new Christmas song this year called "Santa Tell Me", which doesn't deal with Santa as the object of her affection, but simply a means to get to the object of her affection.

It's interesting, to say the least. You don't hear very many newly written Christmas carols fighting their way into the common scope these days. The last one to really break through doing that was Mariah Carey, and... well, I guess if anyone can follow it up, it's this decade's Mariah Carey.

So how's the song? It's cute enough. It's essentially a song about a crush, with Santa Claus thrown into the mix to make it Christmas-y. That's not to say it's poorly conceived, though. I think it works rather well.

That said, I don't think this song will be as enduring as Mariah Carey's powerful contribution. It's cute, but that's pretty much it. It doesn't have much of a commanding presence, and there's really no reason for it to stick around next year as a result. But for this year? Yeah, I'm happy I got to hear it. It's a decently catchy, different song worthy of my holiday time. With that said, have yourselves a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a Kwazy Kwanzaa, a Tip-top Tet, and a solemn and dignified Ramadan.

...I came up with that all by mysel-

Worth a shot, anyway. Merry Christmas!

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