Tuesday, May 27, 2014

CanTunes Tuesday: "Goodbye" - Glenn Morrison ft. Islove

A breakup song by an electronic music DJ. Not pumping it up, but simmering it down. How well can this work? Let's find out.

Sure, there have been emotionally manipulative EDM songs before...

I LOVE YOU SWEDISH HOUSE MAFIA! HAVE MY BABIES! Wait, that wouldn't really work. Oh well. Anyway, yeah, there has been "serious" EDM in the past, but I haven't really heard anything this... depressing before.

Goodbye, I am left alone
In the streets of Mexico

Or baffling, for that matter. Mexico? What are you doing in Mexico? You're Canadian.

In your heart was a place
But the glass always breaks

"In your heart was a place"? What does that mean? Is it a glass house? is that why the glass always breaks? Are you throwing stones at her heart? What?

Now I
I wanna know
What it took to leave me

Well, you're not clear with your metaphors. Maybe that's part of it?

Goodbye and it starts to snow
In the streets of Mexico

This is probably the only halfway-decent lyric of the bunch, but it leads me to believe that this all takes place in Mexico solely because of that one line. "Look, it's snowing in Mexico! Because imagery! IMAGERY!"

Yeah, this worked about as well as I thought it would. I just don't think that DJs have enough emotional depth to carry the topic of breaking up. And this song doesn't do that reputation any favours. Instead of conveying passionate emotion, it's just a boring downer. Of course, the singer doesn't help either. Islove's just as responsible for the song's mood. Goodbye to "Goodbye', and good riddance, I say. Blech.

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