Friday, May 30, 2014

Flashback Friday: "Cars" - Gary Numan (1980)

Today we're looking at one of the jammiest new wave smash hits of all time. So jammy, I just decided to lead in with the song itself. Seriously, listen to that synth riff: DOOdododododoDOOdododododo...

Anyway, many a song has been written about cars. But usually those songs are about gettin' your motor runnin' or jumping in one's car. Sorry, I had to link the Hasselhoff version. I had to.

Anyway, "Cars" is a little different. Instead of reckless driving or reckless pickup lines, the song provides a different sort of fantasy about cars:

Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It's the only way to live

What I'm trying to say is, Steppenwolf's "Born to Be Wild" and this would be an ambitious mash-up at best.

As is the case with many new wave acts, this song thrives on being slightly awkward, as shown by the delivery of the last line in each stanza:

In cars

It just... ends. Every single time. It sounds so awkwardly placed, but that's where the charm for this song comes from. I mean, does this guy sound normal to you anyway? "I can lock all my doors, it's the only way to live"? This is almost Rockwell-level paranoia. Except I don't think Rockwell was being awkward on purpose.

"Awkward charm" does kind of sound like an oxymoron, I'll admit, but this song does it well. As do many other new wave songs. I mean, sometimes we just need someone to relate to. Someone who will just lock themselves up in a car to feel safe. Of course, I think you might actually be safer in a house... but who am I to judge where this guy's safe haven is? It's in cars, and I can respect that.

Plus, as I mentioned before, the synths here are just killer. DOOdododododo, DOOdododododo... I'll stop now. I think I'll just go sit in my car for awhile. Maybe lock all the doors, so I can feel safe.

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