Sunday, May 24, 2015

"Honey, I'm Good." - Andy Grammer

All right, let's talk about Andy Grammer! first.

Seriously, I know next to nothing about this guy. I listened to a few of his previous songs for research and he kind of sounds like a happier version of The Script... but I'm just hearing about him now. And that's probably because he hasn't had a smash hit yet. Well, that's all about to change with "Honey, I'm Good." It's his first Top 20 entry and maybe even soon-to-be Top 10. So the question remains: how is it?

Well, like I said, I haven't heard of Andy Grammer before this song, so I didn't know what to expect. Truth be told, the title annoyed me before I even listened to this song - that punctuation just sitting there all pretentious-like, who does this Andy Grammer guy think he is?! So, my expectations weren't high. But you know what? I was pleasantly surprised! It's a catchy, fun song with a little bit of a new take.

You see, "honey, I'm good" refers to somebody Andy Grammer meets at a bar or something, tempting him to cheat on his wife. But Andy Grammer knocks down that notion with "nah, nah, honey I'm good", indicating that he already loves someone and would not dare cheat on his...

And if I stay I might not leave alone

...oh. So you are tempted, then.

Okay, yeah, I said before this song has a bit of a new take. Well, it's also a bit of a weird take. He seems to acknowledge that the temptation is there, but he's not giving into it... but he also acknowledges that if he stays a little longer, he will give in... what? What?

Also, why are married couples lip-singing this in the video? You do know that this song is about desire and temptation, right?

Or... maybe it's not. Holy shit, I'm confused. I guess that's the point of the song, the confusing desires that people might feel, but it just leaves me wondering what this song is about, or what the narrator is really feeling.

I mean, it's still fun. It's catchy, it's upbeat, I understand why people would like it. But the message is just so muddled... I can't tell what it's trying to tell me. And I guess when it comes to that, you just have to give up and say "Andy, I'm good."

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