Sunday, June 14, 2015

"Cheerleader" - OMI

You know, something that used to be a big deal on the pop charts but really isn't anymore is reggae fusion.

Sure, you had "Rude" from last year, but that was really the only thing creating any buzz in the genre. So it's good to hear some new music from newer artists of this genre. This is "Cheerleader" by OMI.

Okay, so what can you say about this song? Well, it's catchy. You listen to it once and it's stuck in your head forever. But for me, that only has value if the song is any good. Is it? Well... it's not terrible, but... good god, what is up with this guy's voice?!

He sounds like a robot gradually gaining sentience and starting to sound like a human. No, wait a second! He sounds like that Eiffel 65 song.

Yeah, there it is. Just an awkward-sounding, autotune-driven voice that barely sounds human. Okay, well maybe that's going a little far. But still, the voice is unbelievably grating.

I do like the beat of this song, which brings back the laid-back vibes that reggae fusion used to have. But the song falls flat for me because of this guy's voice. I'm sorry, I can't take it. And also, this song is about how he only has the one girl for him, the apple of his eye, if you will. This is his response to other girls who are trying to get with him:

Do you need me?
Do you think I'm pretty?
Do I make you feel like cheating?
And I'm like no, not really 'cause

"No, not really"? That's the best you've got? Shouldn't it be a definitive "no"? Christ, what is it with these songs about guys who love their significant other but get it across ambiguously in the lyrics? It's gotta stop, y'all.

So like I said, the beat's fine, but if I want to listen to music like this I could just go back to the early 2000s when this stuff was more plentiful and better. Sorry OMI, but I G2G.

1 comment:

  1. Really hate the voice and the lyrics what is a shame because the music has a "je ne sais quoi"
