Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Watch-for-it Wednesday: "U Guessed It" - OG Maco

If you'll excuse me for a moment, I'm just going to sit here and lament the state of rap music today. Ahem... OH GOD WHYYYY

*sigh* All right, this is... "U Guessed It" by OG Maco.

Okay, can I ask something here? Is Vine really such a great barometer for popular, widespread music? Let me give you an example:

This song was absolutely everywhere in 2008. You saw it on music channels, it blew up on YouTube, you heard it on the radio. You couldn't escape it! So as such, it became a #1 hit. Conversely, this is where I know "U Guessed It" from.

That's it! And while I can attest to the humour of this Vine, I'm not a frequent Viner and I haven't heard this anywhere else! So how can this be one of the top emerging artists if I've barely heard of his "hit" song?

Well, it seems that Viners have been curious to check out the entire song after they hear the Vine, because this song has (no joke) 38 million views on YouTube and counting. And as far as I can tell, all of those views come from amused Viners because this fucking bloooowwwws.

The problem with Vine-popular songs, usually, is that the only notable part of the song is the part they use in the Vine. And that's definitely the case here. There is nothing else of value in this song, and when your song's value rests on a 6-second punchline, well... how good can you really say it is?

God, I'm just so sick of this garbage polluting the charts. It's been going on for far too long in 2015 and I'm here to put a stop to it. Boycott Vine! Stop watching Vine! I...

Teehee. Okay, I guess that was pretty funny. ...No! I stand by my previous comments. No more Vine! No more...

Oh, Vine. I can't stay mad at you.

Vine really is an interesting concept. It's pretty much solidified the theory that the attention span nowadays has drastically dropped. I mean, who wants to watch a three minute video anymore? No one, that's who! So Vine gives us multiple 6-second clips of goodness, and I will forever be grateful it exists, as it gives a whole new opportunity for aspiring filmmakers to work with limits and work around them, and provides us with some pretty good entertainment along the way!

Just... please. Keep it off Billboard. Thanks.

HA! Got eem!

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