Tuesday, June 24, 2014

CanTunes Tuesday: "Don't Kill the Magic" - MAGIC!

Of all the songs that Canada has to offer... of all the songs that could have become an international hit... why'd you pick "Rude"?

Was I not harsh enough with my review? Should I have laid my hatred on a little thicker? Well, here I go, then: "Rude" is one of the worst songs I've heard this decade. It's a whiny, faux-reggae, insulting piece of garbage, and there is no way that it should have been popular enough not only to cross internationally, but also to spawn a second hit for this wretched group. This is "Don't Kill the Magic".

Haha, get it? Because their band name is MAGIC! How delightfully quirky! Oh, God.

Look, I'll give the song this, anyway: it is nowhere near as bad as that atrocity that was "Rude". But it's not really that interesting, either. I guess "Rude" is at least a different sound, but this... this is like, OneRepublic Lite, and that's saying something.

If I had to give "Rude" something, at least it wasn't boring. It was painfully obnoxious, but not boring. This is really boring. They say "don't kill the magic" in the song, but I think this song is actively killing any magic it comes across. 

Not helping things is Nasri's whiny vocals. I guess he just sounds like that all the time? In that case, maybe it's the girl who should be singing this song. She sure doesn't seem happy with her relationship in this one:

If you want space (you could have it)
If you want change (you could have it)

If she wants divorce papers, could she have those too? This is what happens when you don't listen to the father of the bride-to-be, Nasri!

Not that I'm blaming the girl here; this is entirely on Nasri and his inability to take "no" for an answer... YET AGAIN.

I’m not ready to give up just yet
We could stay until we both forget

So... if she wants space, she can have it... but you want her to stay until she... forgets that she wants space? God, you really are clingy, aren't you?

Just don’t kill, don’t kill the magic

Don't you get it? She wants to kill the magic. Because it's not magical for her. Maybe because you're a whiny douchebag. Maybe.

I really am giving this song too much credit by analyzing the lyrics. It's an incredibly weak melody with a whiny singer. I don't understand how this could be appealing to anybody. Is Nasri... cute or something? I don't know. All I know is I want MAGIC! off my musical radar, and if they keep releasing songs like this, that might happen sooner than I think.

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