Friday, June 20, 2014

Flashback Friday: "Rock Your Body" - Justin Timberlake (2003)

Let's take it back to when Justin Timberlake was just a young boy trying to make it big with his... boy band... sex appeal?

Sure, why not? At least he went on to do something. And he did evolve into the panty-melting sex symbol he is today. But right now, we're looking at Timberlake in his pupa stage.

And for what it's worth, this song is pretty catchy, especially the chorus, which the song starts out with. So, what's this song about? Well, it's about rockin' bodies. That's about it. I'm not even sure it's about sex; it looks like it's just about grinding...

Better have you naked by the end of this song

Whoop, there goes that theory.

However, I don't know about this song as a whole. Timberlake today could pull it off, but just-got-out-of-*NSYNC Timberlake? I'm not totally buying it.

So go ahead, girl, just do
That ass shaking thing you do

See, when he says "ass" here, it sounds like a little kid who just discovered the word "ass", rather than... well, actually, it's a pretty stupid line regardless. But you see my point. I think Timberlake's transition into sex god was just too abrupt, and while "Cry Me a River" can be unbearable if I'm in the wrong mood, it sounds like more of a song Timberlake should have been making at the time.

You see, despite their dreaminess, boy bands are extremely chaste. Their songs are never about sex; it's always about love and hearts and bullshit that preteen girls just eat off a plate. To go from that to

So go ahead, girl, just do
That ass shaking thing you do

in the blink of an eye is just too sudden. I still like the song; it's got a good beat and Justin Timberlake further proves that he was the only talented member of his boy band with his vocals. I just think it could have waited, maybe until his FutureSex/LoveSounds album. There, Timberlake blossoms from an awkward pupa into a beautiful butterfly of suave.. Here, he's still at awkward pupa stage. I guess the song did help the transition into Justin Timberlake's reputation for girls going naked right in front of him, though. Heh heh, I had to bring that up eventually.

"Rock Your Body": Solid song, but maybe it could have sat on the backburner a little.

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