Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Watch-for-it Wednesday: "Shower" - Becky G

So I've been hearing about this Becky G chick for quite some time now. I don't really know who the hell she is, as she has never appeared on my musical radar. But here we are now, with Becky G on the brink of having an honest-to-goodness hit with "Shower". And... well, I don't know, it's okay.

It sounds like exactly the type of carefully manufactured pop that gets insanely popular. In fact, why isn't this insanely popular already? Is it because Becky didn't have her own Disney Channel show? (Obviously talent isn't a good barometer for whose catchy pop songs get famous.)

Actually, this sounds like it could be off of the Disney Channel. "You light me up inside like the 4th of July"? Yeah, even idiot tweenagers will get that simile! Let's use it!

I guess it's not entirely squeaky-clean; it's kind of like Selena Gomez's newer stuff, only less soul-crushingly pathetic. It's about love, but it somehow sounds more refined than a Disney Channel song, and more ready to enter the Top 40... even though High School Musical already accomplished that feat somehow.

If it sounds like I'm grasping at straws to find something to say about this song, it's because I am. I don't hate, or even dislike the song, so I can't exactly rage over it. But I don't really like it all that much either. It's a pretty forgettable song, and I can honestly picture just about any teen star singing this, even Justin Bieber. Just... not a whole lot to say at all here. Moving on to the big questions:

Hot 100 Success:

Will she have it?

I don't know, honestly. If it's not insanely popular yet, who's to say it ever will be? Maybe as a society, we're past the stage of letting 17-year-olds run our pop charts. A step in the right direction, in other words.

Should she have it?

That said, Becky G wouldn't be the worst thing to appear in the Top 40 this year, not by a long shot. Just like my opinion on this song, I answer this question with an "eh, whatever".

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