Tuesday, August 26, 2014

CanTunes Tuesday: "Never Didn't Love You" - Bobby Wills

Really? A double negative? Right there, in the title? That's what I'm getting now?

Really, Bobby Wills? Really? Really?

Any-hoo, I've posted about country songs more than a few times, but I don't believe I've covered a Canadian country artist yet. So you know what, maybe this'll be interesting! Canadian country. What's in store here?

If I never told you, if I never showed you
If I never shouted from the rooftops how I felt about you baby

Wait a minute! Actual sincere love in a modern country song? Well, dust off my boots, I'm excited. Maybe even excited enough to forgive that double negative.

I never didn't love you

Ehh... it'll take some time, I suppose. But seriously, this is great! As far as I can tell, it's a song that stresses the importance of never leaving it assumed that you love your significant other. And it works as a love song. A cute one, at that.

I always loved the way you made me feel big and strong
Opening a little jar

It's the little things in this song that make it so worthwhile. Have you ever heard a country song, or any song for that matter, poking fun at men who feel big and strong by opening jars for their wives? This song is special in that way. And in an era where a majority of the country music is crappy bro-douchey shit, this shines all the more. My cowboy hat's off to you, Bobby Wills. Just... watch it with the double negatives, okay? We won't have no problems then.

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