Friday, August 29, 2014

Flashback Friday: "California Girls" - The Beach Boys (1965)

No, no, that's not it.

Boy, you make one silly typo and you're in a whole other era of music. ANYWAY... welcome back to Flashback Friday. Lat's take things back to the Beastie Boys...

Um... I mean The Beach Boys, with their song, "California Girls", a song about how the Beach Boys want to take every single girl in America and move them all down to California, which would undoubtedly create a major population density problem, and as such is probably a terrible idea. What are you thinking, boys? 

As far as I can tell, the boys are thinking with their dicks. They love all these different qualities about different women on different areas of the country, but they want them all in a place that can make them all shine, I guess. In other words, they wish all the girls could be California girls.

...and that's it. Simple song for a simple time, I guess? What were others releasing in 1965?



Okay, yeah, simple song for a simple time.

Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Who says pop music has to be serious all the time? Certainly not me. The Beach Boys were known for their sweet harmonizing and fun-loving, sunshiny melodies, so I don't expect much else from them other than this. Also, the Barenaked Ladies song about Brian Wilson is awesome. That's all for today.

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