Tuesday, August 5, 2014

CanTunes Tuesday: "Never Gone" - Andee

So who the hell is Andee?

Wait, I know this song... sorta, kinda. Well, welcome to the world of Canadian adult contemporary, Andee! Where if you're not Sarah McLachlan or Alanis Morissette, people barely know you exist. Enjoy it!

Yeah, I still don't know Serena Ryder well enough to pick out her voice from a crowd of pop singers, so I'm certainly not going to do well with Andee. Especially with nondescript songs like these. It's like... a bunch of ideas for an adult contemporary hit, but the project never really finishes and we're left with just hearing those snippets of ideas. So, how do they all come together? How, indeed.

I don't know. I'd give it points for trying, but... I don't know if it really is. I can't even pinpoint the mood of this singer. Is she angry? Jealous? Happy? Vengeful? Lame? Yeah, this is lame.

I don't get this song at all. It revolves around the message "It'll be like I was never gone", which I guess means that it'll be easy to come back to her after this guy is done sexin' another woman? But... why do you want him back? He's cheating on you!

Actually, as the song moves along it gets sadder and sadder. This new girl actually moves in with the guy, and I guess he's calling Andee saying "I miss you"?

Does she know you've been calling me at night
Saying "I miss you, baby you were right"

Okay, no. I'm sorry, this is just not happening like she's narrating it. No human being would ever behave like this... except maybe the lead singer of Hinder, but jury's still out on whether he's an actual person or a crappy post-grunge android. No, this is either all happening in Andee's head, or it's just a really crappy story.

I mean, what is the point? She keeps saying he'll "realize" it's like she's never been gone, but it sounds like he already does! It sounds like he's got one foot out the door already! So what are you harping about? And why should I care? I don't really care. So maybe it's time I screech this review to a halt, and hope that Andee finds more success in Québec than here.

Wow, it sounds just as presumptuous!

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